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We love to brag about great products with our social media campaigns, product reviews, and giveaways. See what a great product can do to build a true fan. Complete your information on the contact tab.
Reviews and Giveaways
I do reviews and giveaways on our Blog site. The product value of 100 dollars or more, this includes shipping giveaways in the US.
Product Reviews – All product reviews will cover the advertiser product or products for sale, non-returnable, a sample must be sent to Sommer Hamilton blogger for review. The placement of your ad will be determined by Sommer Hamilton. There are no placement fees on the blog page. However, for social media promotions, there is a placement fee.
What a review means for your advertising dollar:
Non-returnable item sent to me for review. A review post includes:
Picture (s)
Social Media Links (if you provide them)
Information about your product
Where to buy links with prices
Our review of the product
Giveaways at two weeks or more determined by both parties.
Social Media Blasts: Newsletter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, G+, Twitter, Campaigns are all available
Brand Ambassadorship: Varies depending on the brand.
If you have a product that you would like us to consider, please email me with “Product Consideration” in the subject line. For other advertising opportunities with Sommer Hamilton Blog, please send me an email in the contact tab.
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