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What Writers Wish Agents Knew

Writer: Sommer HamiltonSommer Hamilton

Finding an agent,

It’s not that we’re not trying to find an agent. It’s more about our right brain is immersed in creating. Do we stop to cultivate our hunt or continue to master our creativity. Personally, I would like to see agents and writers share in this process.

Writers are writing their next book, their next blog posts, their next articles, their next flyer. So you can see where I’m going with this. There is probably enough material to get a fairly good glimpse into the writers style and personality.

Believe me we’ve done the research, typos fails, what type of query letter to send to each agent, how to shadow an agent, how we should keep better track of our agent queries, and so on.

It is no wonder amazing writers, traditionally published or self publish tire of the hurdles they have to jump and eventually give up their pursuit. I would like to think they were writers like myself stacks of notebooks with ideas that you have to get down on paper because the character stories have to be told. The characters are happy to wait because they know you will do your best to get back to them.

It’s not mechanical, it’s not cookie cutter and the formula exist only inside our right brain. What an agent needs to understand is that they are dealing with a creative human that has been gifted with seeing the world differently. We can communicate that in different types of media whether it be words, music or art.

We are putting in the work every day! We are supporting our passion through our website, social media, podcast and press. We’re not looking for guarantees, We’re looking to share our work.

I’ll go first! I’m working on my fourth book “ Confessions Of The Carpool Line.” Let’s face it if your a mom with kids you have been there. It’s a humorous look at a mother’s life as she try’s to conquer the world, two dogs, a husband, a writers dream, four kids and a life time in the carpool line.

We understand the stacks of material your having to go through to find that diamond your seeking, we are looking for it too. The answer might just be, don’t task us with so many hurdles for your weeding process. Tell us your preference, something like this:

Actively seeking a fiction writer with weird since of humor about the daily grind, because the world needs to laugh a little more in my opinion. I would prefers series, but let’s see what you got! Must have more then one idea, one book, more then one chapter or one post. Looking for a working relationship that brings me joy. High anxiety, personality disorders, or Narcissist need not apply. If you fit these criteria’s please email me your first chapter

A reply to the article in Writers Digest, 2022


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